General Overview

This section contains a general overview of the directory structure for regression tests.

Basic Directory Structure

The root directory of all regression tests is retdec-regression-tests. The tests are structured into subdirectories, where each test is formed by a single subdirectory. Such a subdirectory has to contain:

  • A file, which is a test module containing test classes, settings, and methods that check whether the test passes or fails. Basically, it represents test specification.
  • Inputs for the test. These are usually binary files to be decompiled.

A sample test structure looks like this:

├── bugs/
│   └── invalid-function-name/
│       ├── input.exe
│       └──
├── features/
│   └── main-detection/
│       ├── input.msvc.exe
│       ├── input.gcc.elf
│       └──
└── integration/
        ├── ack/
        │   ├── ack.exe
        │   └──
        └── ackermann/
            ├── ackermann.exe

Outputs from Decompilations

After you run the regression tests, outputs from decompilations are placed into subdirectories named outputs. In this way, you can check them after the tests finish to see what exactly was generated. These subdirectories are created inside the corresponding test directory. For example, for retdec-regression-tests/integration/ack, the outputs are placed into retdec-regression-tests/integration/ack/outputs.

To differentiate between the outputs of different decompilations, the outputs from each decompilation are placed into a properly named directory. The name is based on the parameters that were passed to the decompiler when the test ran.

For example, a directory with outputs for the factorial test may contain the following subdirectories and files:

├── Test_2017 (factorial.x86.gcc.O0.exe)/
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.c
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.c-compiled
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.bc
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.ll
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.c.fixed.c
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.dsm
│   ├── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.config.json
│   └── factorial.x86.gcc.O0.c.log
├── ...
└── Test_2017 (factorial.x86.clang.O0.exe)/
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.c
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.c-compiled
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.bc
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.ll
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.c.fixed.c
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.dsm
    ├── factorial.x86.clang.O0.config.json
    └── factorial.x86.clang.O0.log

Naming Conventions

Directory names can contain characters that are valid on common file systems, except a dot (.). The reason for not allowing a dot is that it is internally used to separate subdirectories in module names. Python uses a dot to separate namespaces, anyway. Examples:

features               # OK
cool_backend_feature1  # OK
cool-backend-feature2  # OK

cool.backend.feature1  # WRONG: A dot '.' is not allowed by the regression tests framework.
cool/backend/feature1  # WRONG: A slash '/' is not allowed in a directory name on Linux.
cool|backend*feature1  # WRONG: Characters '|' and '*' are not allowed on Windows.

The naming of functions, classes, methods, and variables inside files follows standard Python conventions, defined in PEP8. Example:

def my_function():
    my_var = [1, 2, 3]

class MyClass(BaseClass):
    def do_something(self):

    def do_something_else(self):


To summarize, a test is a subdirectory that is arbitrarily nested inside the root directory and contains a file and input files. After the tests are run, the output files are placed into a corresponding outputs directory. For every decompilation, the outputs are placed into a separate subdirectory.

Next, we will learn how to create a new test.